Thursday, July 19, 2018

Becoming Citizens

Brothers Michael and Jacob Graf (sons of Johann Michel Graf) came to the United States in 1851 and became naturalized citizens on March 5, 1855.  Their cousin Philip (son of Valentine Graf) came to the United States in 1853 and became a citizen on February 16, 1856.  Valentine, Philip's father, did not become a citizen until June 5, 1860.

State of Indiana  County of Howard
Be It Known that on the 5th day of March, AD 1855 Personally appeared before the Clerk of the Howard Circuit Court Michael Graff an Allien.  And reports himself for Naturalization.  And being duly Sworn on oath declares that he is a Native of Germany -- aged about twenty five years.  And owes allegiance to the King of Bavaria in Germany, that he Emigrated thence Embarked at London and arrived at New York in the United States on the 4th day of September AD 1851 And that it is Bonifide his intention to reside in and become a Citizen of the United States.  And to renounce forever All Allegiance and fidelity to Every Foreign Prince Potentate State or Sovereignty whatever and now particularly to the 5th day of March 1855.
Michael Graf
Sworn to Subscriber the 5th day of March 1855
In testimony whereof Franklin S Rice
Clerk of the Circuit Court herewith set
In name and affix the Seal of Said
Court this 5th day of March 1855
Franklin S Rice
(The second entry on this page records Jacob's swearing in.)
It is curious that in each naturalization document, Michael, Jacob, and Valentine are presented with the surname GRAFF.  But at the end of the document their name is recorded as GRAF.

United States of America
State of Indiana
Howard County
Be it remembered that on the 16th day of Feb. 1856 personally appeared in the Howard Circuit Court before the Clerk thereof Philip Graff an Alien and reports himself for naturalization and by duly sworn on oath declares that he is a native Germany aged about thirty one years and owes allegiance Maximilian 2nd, King of Bavaria that he emigrated then embarked at Rockenhausen and arrived at New York in the United States on the 1st day of June 1852 and that it is bonafide his intention to reside in and become a citizen of the United States; and to renounce forever all allegiande and fidelity to every Foreign Prince Potentate State or Sovereignty whatever and particularly to Maximilian the 2nd King Bavaria
Philip Graf
Sworn and subscribed the 16th day of Feb. 1856 on testimony whereof I Adam Clarke Clerk of the Howard Circuit Court herewith set my name and seal of Said County the above date.
A Clarke CHCC

Entries In Vacation
United States of America
State of Indiana
Howard County
BE IT KNOWN that on the 5th day of June AD 1860 personally appeared in the Howard Circuit Court before the Clerk thereof Voluntino (Valentine) Graff an Alien and reports himself for Naturalisation; and being duly sworn on oath declares that he is a Native of Germany aged about 60 years and owes allegiance to the King of Bavaria that he Emigrated thence embarked at Havre de Grass and arrived at the City of New York in the United States on the 1st day of June AD 1853 and that it is bona fide his intention to reside and become a citizen of the United States; and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to every Foreign Prince Potentate State of Sovereignty whatever and particularly to Maximilian King of Bavaria
Voluntino (Valentine) Graf
Sworn to and Subscribed the 5th day of June 1860
In testimony whereof I Adam Clarke Clerk of the Howard Circuit Court hereunto
set my Name at Kokomo the above date
Adam Clarke

Here are the same three men... Michael, Jacob and and their cousin Philip... registering together for the Civil War draft in June 1863.  The Civil War Draft was enacted in March of 1863.  All men between the ages of 20 and 45, including immigrants who had filed for citizenship, were required to register.

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