Friday, December 15, 2017

The Coan Family Album 2017

For Christmas this year I created a family album for my mother, who at 94, finds it difficult to see small photographs. This large format album will bring loved ones near to her at Christmas and all year long. Merry Christmas!
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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Water Conservation

Today, March 23, 2017, is World Water Day. Conservation runs deep in our family. My Great-grandmother, Settie Graf Locke, spoke to a Howard County, IN group about water conservation in 1948.  She would have been 80 then!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Locke Whiskey

Click here for the story on Locke Whiskey

I've often wondered about why one of the sons of Elias and Sarah Locke was named Antrim.  They called him Bud.  But Antrim is a county in Ireland.  Now, could it be that we are related to the Locke Whiskey family?